في هذه الأثناء: زادار ، شيبينيك ، سبليت ، بيوغراد ، تروجير ودوبروفنيك هي من بين الأكثر شعبية وكلها تشترك في نظرة القرون الوسطى التي فقدت في العديد من الأماكن الأخرى في البحر الأبيض المتوسط.
يوجد في كرواتيا فئة استئجار اليخوت الفاخرة التي تلبي احتياجات أكثر حصرية ، بما في ذلك رجال الأعمال ، والممثلين المشهورين أو المطربين الذين يرغبون في تغيير المشهد. تحظى هفار على وجه الخصوص بشعبية مع مجموعة النفاثات الدولية حيث يتزايد عدد المشاهير الذين يأتون إلى اليخوت أو استئجار اليخوت الفاخرة في المنطقة.
العديد من المراسي الكرواتية قريبة من المدن التاريخية المليئة بالمتاحف والمعارض والقصور والأديرة بالإضافة إلى المطاعم الممتازة. مرافق مرسى كرواتيا ممتازة. وهي تشمل مكتب استقبال ، ومكتب صرف ، ومطعم ، ومراحيض ودشات ، ومحل بقالة ، وموقف للسيارات ، ومحل إصلاح ، ورافعة ، إلخ. يُنصح بحجزها قبل 24 ساعة أو الوصول إلى المرسى في وقت مبكر من بعد الظهر حيث تملأ أماكن الرصيف بسرعة . معظم المراسي مفتوحة طوال العام.
أفضل موسم للإبحار في كرواتيا هو أواخر الربيع (من أبريل إلى يونيو) وأوائل الخريف (من سبتمبر إلى أكتوبر). البحر هادئ ، والطقس لطيف ، وهناك عدد أقل من الحشود. يُعد يوليو وأغسطس شهورا مثالية لقضاء الإبحار والسباحة. إن جمال كرواتيا الطبيعي لعالمها تحت البحر يجذب الكثير من الغواصين. إن تنوع الحياة والجدران الضخمة تحت الماء والشعاب المرجانية وحطام السفن وحطام الطائرات بالإضافة إلى المواقع الأثرية هي مكافأة إضافية.
المناخ في كرواتيا يختلف من القارات في المناطق الداخلية والبحر المتوسط على طول ساحل البحر الادرياتيكي ، مع بعض التقلبات في هذه المناطق المناخية.
منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط المناخ هي الغالبة على الجزر والمناطق الساحلية من استريا وكفارنر في الشمال إلى دالماتيا في الجنوب. في الصيف ، يكون متوسط درجة حرارة الهواء 24 درجة مئوية -26 درجة مئوية. ومع ذلك ، فإن المناطق الداخلية من استريا هي أكثر برودة إلى حد ما ، مع متوسط درجة الحرارة حوالي 22 درجة مئوية. تتقلب درجات حرارة البحر بين 8 درجات مئوية في الشتاء و 27 درجة مئوية في الصيف بسبب تيارات البحر الدافئة. يوليو وأغسطس هما الأشهر الأكثر حرارة ، حيث تصل درجة حرارة الهواء إلى 35 درجة مئوية.
الجزيرة المشمسة في كرواتيا هي هفار المشمسة أكثر من 2700 ساعة في السنة. تعتبر سبليت ، فيلا لوكا (في جزيرة كورتشولا) ودوبروفنيك هي البقع المشمسة التالية في دالماتيا.
يتم فصل منطقة المناخ القاري من الساحل من جبال الألب ديناريك الكبرى. تتميز كرواتيا الداخلية بتنوع في أنماط الطقس المختلفة.
المناخ في المناطق الداخلية في كرواتيا يتضح من خلال قدر لا بأس به من الثلوج خلال أشهر الشتاء. ويتراوح متوسط درجات الحرارة في يناير حول 0 درجة مئوية إلى -2 درجة مئوية ، في حين أن المتوسط الشهري لشهر يوليو يصل إلى 22 درجة مئوية ، على الرغم من أن السنوات الأخيرة شهدت صيفًا حارًا بشكل غير معتاد. بشكل عام ، يعتبر المناخ في كرواتيا مثاليًا لقضاء العطلات الشاطئية الصيفية مع 10-12 ساعة من أشعة الشمس في اليوم ، وعدد صغير من الأيام الممطرة ، ودرجات حرارة مريحة.
المأكولات والمشروبات الكرواتية المطبخ المحلي مهم في كرواتيا ومناطق مثل دالماتيا أو استريا حيث يأتي السياح لزيارة والاستمتاع بالمكونات الطازجة مثل المأكولات البحرية والزيتون والنبيذ وجبن الماعز وتلبية التخصصات مثل الخنزير المشوي على لحم الضأن أو المشوي .
يشتهر ساحل البحر الأدرياتيكي بمجموعة متنوعة من أطباق المأكولات البحرية ، وتتوفر التأثيرات الإيطالية هنا وكذلك في استريا. ستجد الكعك والحلويات الرائعة في جميع أنحاء البلاد. تنتج كرواتيا الكثير من النبيذ ، مع أفضل أحجار حمراء تأتي بشكل عام من شبه جزيرة Peljesac على الساحل ، وأفضل البيض ينتج عادة في Slavonia الشرقية وفي استريا.
Prsut i paski sir (لحم الخنزير المجفف يشبه الجبن الإيطالي prosciutto والجبن من جزيرة باغ) يتم تقديم الأطباق على شكل فاتح الشهية.
Salata od hobotnice (صوص الأخطبوط) مصنوع من الأخطبوط ، البطاطا ، البصل ، البقدونس المفروم ، زيت الزيتون ، الثوم المسحوق وعصير الليمون.
يتم إجراء Crni rizot (الريزوتو الأسود) من الحبار المطبوخ في الحبر الخاص به.
Janjetina (لحم الضأن المشوي) يحظى بشعبية في جميع أنحاء كرواتيا ، وليس من غير المألوف رؤية لحم الضأن الكامل المشوي على أحد المطاعم الموجودة على جانب الطريق.
تارتوفي (الكمأة) ميزة كبيرة على القائمة في استريا.
مراسي في كرواتيا
يعد الساحل الكرواتي واحدًا من أكثر الخطوط الساحلية شهرة في العالم. من الجزر 1242 ، الجزر والمنحدرات ، فقط 47 جزيرة مأهولة بالسكان. يسمح البحر اللطيف ومناخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط بالإبحار طوال العام ، على الرغم من أن موسم استئجار القوارب الشراعية والقوارب يبدأ في منتصف شهر أبريل ويستمر حتى منتصف شهر أكتوبر ، لفترة أطول عندما يتعلق الأمر بالسباقات.
تقع مراسي في كرواتيا في المدن الساحلية الدلماسية ، والتي تقع في الغالب بالقرب من المطار ، أو في الخلجان الجميلة على الجزر.
ويوجد في كرواتيا 56 مرفأاً توفر معاً 16000 مرسى بحري و 8500 مرسى على اليابسة للقوارب الشراعية. وبصرف النظر عن المراسي ، وهناك أيضا العديد من نوادي الإبحار الخاصة والموانئ للأعضاء فقط.
يبدأ ACI مارينا مع بناء منظم من المارينا في البحر الأدرياتيكي. كما تضم أقدم وأكبر سلسلة تضم 21 مرسى ، سفننا في أكثر المرافئ جاذبية في البحر الأدرياتيكي.
The Dalmatian Coast boasts the barren and isolated Kornati archipelago and other islands with centuries of history, such as Korčula, Hvar or Brač, with the ‘Golden Horn’ beach that many consider to be the most beautiful in the whole country.
For those who prefer peace and quiet, there are plenty of other beaches without anything that might spoil the view, hidden coves, and rocky platforms.Located on the magnificient east coast of the Adriatic sea, from Istrian peninsula to Dubrovnik, Croatia, with it's rocky coast, hidden coves and more than 1000 islands is a sailor’s paradise. It´s southern coasts are especially interesting featuring the ancient Greek port of Trogir or the beautiful city of Split.
Yachting and sailing in Croatia guarantees you will escape the crowds to the more secluded beaches and unknown, quite anchorages of some 1000 islands and islets along the Adriatic coast. Croatia is the closest Mediterranean destination to central Europe. It takes 2 hours by plane from London, 45 minutes from Munich.
The long chain of rugged islands off Croatia’s mountainous coast make this a cruising haven that is considered to be among the best in the world. Fine deep channels with abundant anchorage and a stable continental climate attract many sailing enthusiasts. There are no big waves and high sea. The conditons are perfect for nice and easy sailing. There are no long distance routes across the open sea. You can anchor anytime you want and take a swim.
Explore Croatia´s National and Nature Parks
Croatia has eight national parks: four in mountain areas (Risnjak, Paklenica, North Velebit and Plitvice lakes), and four in the coastal area (Kornati, Mljet, Brijuni and Krka). There are many nature parks of national and world importance like Velebit and Kopacki rit.
Plitvice Lakes is one of the oldest national parks in Southeast Europe and the largest national park in Croatia. Plitvice lakes is included in World heritage list (UNESCO) in 1979. The 16 lakes that can be seen from the surface are grouped into the 12 Upper Lakes (Gornja jezera) and the four Lower Lakes (Donja jezera).
Kornati is one of the most indented island groups on the Mediterranean , a unique cluster of 150 islands, islets and cliffs spread over the central part of the Adriatic Sea in northern Dalmatia. The main island is Kornat which has holm oaks on the northeastern side and some cultivation of olives, figs, grapevines and citruses. There are remains of Illyrian settlements and Roman ruins on Toreta Hill. At the foot of the hill are the remains of an early Christian church. Remains of medieval fortifications can also be found on the islet of Panitula. On Piskera there is a 16th-century church.
Kornati Islands is Croatian yacht charter paradise. About Kornati islands George Bernard Shaw wrote: “On the last day of the Creation God desired to crown his work, and thus created the Kornati Islands out of tears, stars and breath”.
Telascica is located in the southeastern part of the island and with the surrounding waters as well as 13 islands, islets and rocks. The contrasts of nature is very expressed here with peaceful bays and rugged cliffs, forests of Aleppo pine on one side and Holm oak on the other side, the area of cultivated fields of vineyards and olive-trees, as well as the area of rocky meadows.
The Mediterranean vegetation is represented in the park with more than 400 plant species as well as numerous rare and endemic plants that have been recorded. The underwater world is home to about 250 plants and 300 animal organisms, including the now depleted red coral and the carnivorous sponge.
Brijuni this archipelago consists of a group islands off the western coast of Istria, proclaimed a national park in 1983. Brijuni are well known for their mild Mediterranean climate with plenty of sun and humidity, whick is ideal for the lush vegetation and pleasant stay on the islands. The vegetation on the Brijuni se extremly luxuriant and the national park is full of tropical plants that form specially maintained tree-lined lanes, parks and gardens. There are also several archeological sites worth seeing.
There is the 13th century AD St. Mary’s Church which was built by the Knights Templar. There are also two ancient Roman villa remains, from the 2nd Century BC and remains of a Byzantine palace. The last remain is Hill-fort which indicates a Bronze Age settlement on the island dating back to 14th century BC. On the island there is also a Safari Park, it is home to a variety of exotic animals which were given to the park as gifts from diplomatic partners.
Sailing in CroatiaThe Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea is considered the cleanest sea in Europe. Frequent winds include: Bura, a cold northerly wind, Jugo, a south wind with high precipitation, and Maestral, a cool north-westerly wind alleviating summer heat.
If you decide on a Croatia yacht charter vacations, there are some major harbor towns along the way that will make your trip worthwhile: Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Biograd, Trogir and Dubrovnik are among the most popular and all share a medieval look that is lost to many other places in the Mediterranean.
There is a luxury yacht charter segment in Croatia that caters to more exclusive needs, including businessmens, famous actors or singers who want a change of scenery. Hvar in particular is popular with the international jet set as more and more celebrities come to moor or charter luxury yachts in the region.
Many Croatian marinas are close to historical towns replete with museums, galleries, palaces and monasteries plus excellent restaurants. Croatia’s marina facilities are excellent. They include reception, exchange office, restaurant, toilets and showers, grocery store, parking lot, repair shop, crane, etc. It is recommended that you reserve 24 hours in advance or arrive at the marina in early afternoon as berth places fill up quickly. Most marinas are open all year.
The best sailing season in Croatia is late spring (April through June) and early fall (September through October). The sea is calm, the weather mild and there are fewer crowds. July and August are ideal months for sailing vacation and swimming. Croatia’s natural beauty of its undersea world lure many divers. The diversity of life, the monumental underwater walls, reefs, shipwrecks and plane wrecks, as well as archaeological sites are an additional bonus.
Climate in Croatia varies from continental in the interior regions and Mediterranean along the Adriatic coast, with some fluctuations within these climatic zones.
Mediterranean climate region is predominant on the islands and in the coastal areas from Istria and Kvarner on the north to Dalmatia on the south. In summer the average air temperature is 24°C-26°C. However, the interior areas of Istria are somewhat cooler, with the average temperature being about 22°C. Sea temperatures fluctuate between 8°C in winter and 27°C in summer because of warm sea currents. July and August are the hottest months, with the air temperature reaching as high as 35°C.
The sunniest island in Croatia is Hvar which is sunny over 2700 hours per year. Split, Vela Luka (on Korčula Island) and Dubrovnik are the next sunniest spots in Dalmatia.
Continental climate region is separated from the coast by the grand Dinaric Alps. Croatia’s inland experiences totally different weather patterns.
Climate in Croatia’s interior areas is typified by a fair amount of snow during winter months. The average temperatures in January hover around 0°C to -2°C, whereas the monthly average for July reaches the 22°C mark, although recent years have seen unusually hot summers. In general, climate in Croatia is ideal for summer beach holidays with 10-12 hours of sunshine per day, a small number of rainy days, and comfortable temperatures.
Croatian Food and Drink Local cuisine is important in Croatia and regions like Dalmatia or Istria where tourists come to visit and enjoy the fresh ingredients such as sea food, olives, wine, goat cheese and meet specialties such as roasted pig on a spit or grilled lamb.
The Adriatic coast is renowned for its variety of seafood dishes, and Italian influences are found here as well as in Istria. You’ll find exquisite cakes and deserts all over the country. Croatia produces plenty of wine, with the best reds generally coming from the Peljesac peninsula on the coast, and the best whites usually produced in eastern Slavonia and in Istria.
Prsut i paski sir (air-dried ham similar to Italian prosciutto and sheep’s cheese from the island of Pag) platters are served as an appetiser.
Salata od hobotnice (octopus salad) is made from octopus, potato, onion, chopped parsley, olive oil, crushed garlic and lemon juice.
Crni rizot (black risotto) is made from cuttlefish cooked in its own ink.
Janjetina (roast lamb) is popular all over Croatia, and it’s not unusual to see whole lamb roasting on a spit at roadside eateries.
Tartufi (truffles) feature heavily on the menu in Istria.
Marinas in Croatia
The Croatian coastline is one of the most indented coastlines in the world. Of the 1242 islands, islets and cliffs, only 47 islands are inhabited. The gentle sea and the Mediterranean climate allow sailing throughout the year, although the season of renting of sailing boats and catamarans starts in the middle of April and lasts until the middle of October, even longer when it comes to regattas.
The marinas in Croatia are located in Dalmatian coastal towns, which are mostly located near the airport, or in beautiful bays on the islands.
In Croatia, there are 56 marinas which together offer 16000 sea berths and 8500 berths on land for sailing boats. Apart from marinas, there are also many private sailing clubs and ports for members only.
ACI marina begins with organized building of marinas in the Adriatic. The oldest and the leading chain, consisting of 21 marinas, also hosts our vessels in the most attractive marinas at the Adriatic coast in Dubrovnik, Trogir and Split. The majority of the marinas are situated in the Middle and South Adriatic, which is of greatest interest to the yachters.
Apart from ACI marinas, there are also privately owned marinas. They all follow trends and are adjusted to modern needs and wishes of yachters. The marinas, apart from berthing, offer a wide variety of services and facilities such as restaurants, supply shops, yachting equipment stores, showers and laundry.
The daily berth price in marinas changes during seasons and depends on the length of the vessel.
The most expensive daily berth is always in the middle of the season (from the middle of June to the end of August).
The daily berth prices for a sailing boat of 10-12 m (32-38 ft.) length are from 60-90 EUR.
The daily berth prices for sailing boats of 14-16 m (45-52 ft.) length are from 90-130 EUR, depending on the period and the marina.
The price of berths for catamarans are mostly charged per length multiplied by 1.5. The prices vary from a marina to a marina.
The more popular marinas such as Split, Dubrovnik and Palmizana are pricier. Some marinas (such as ACI marina Korcula), which are located further from the land, usually offer promotional discounts for berths during the weekend when the business is slower, for the vessels usually return to their land base.
Apart from the marinas in Croatia mentioned below, there are other moorings in small island places and ports.
The mooring prices in some places are significantly lower than the price of berths in a marina, and the prices range from 3 EUR to 6 EUR per meter of the sailing boat.
Some places offer only water and electricity; the others only mooring on buoys in order to minimize the traffic jam in their small ports.
The price of buoy mooring or on the shore of the place usually includes collection of garbage.
Anchoring is possible in lot of bays, but please take care about the signs where is forbidden it is clearly signed. Always take care how local boats are anchored so you can see on which wind the bay is open. If plants and trees grow near the sea it is a sign that the place might be good for anchorage. If you are looking for quiet places for day swimming and maybe night anchoring where no one will charge you there is lots of places on your way but try to avoid them if it is not good weather forecast.
The best place to have swimming in clean first of last day of your charter is south side of Brač (Uvala Osibova, Uvala Maslinova or Lucice) or south side of Solta (uvala Livka, uvala Tatinja).
Anchoring in National park Mljet will be charged but it includes entrance tickets to National park and 2 day stay and taking trash.
Restaurant's moorings
Some smaller places offer buoy free of charge but will expect to have at least drink in his restaurant (owners of restaurants usually have concession)for example:
Sesula (Island Solta)- Sismis Bar
Lučica (Island Brac)
Moster or Veli Porat - Island Scedro
Okuklje (Island Mljet ) - restaurant Maestral
Gradina (entrance in Vela Luka) - restaurant Siloko
Zaklopatica (Island Lastovo) - restaurant Augusta Insula
In Croatian national parks such as, for instance on the island of Mljet, the berth price usually includes a ticket for the national park.
ACI marina Dubrovnik
00 385(0)20 455 020
ACI marina Slano
00 385(0)20 441 721
Marina Lumbarda
Island Korcula
00 385(0)20 712 489
ACI marina Korcula
Island Korcula
00 385(0)20 711 661
ACI marina Vrbovska
Island Hvar
00 385(0)21 774 144
Nautical center Komiza
Island Vis
00 385(0)21 713 849
ACI marina Palmizana
Island Hvar-Pakleni islands
00 385(0)21 744 995
ACI marina Vrbovska
Island Hvar
00 385(0)21 774 144
ACI marina Milna
Island Brac
00 385(0)21 636 306
Marina Martinis Marchi
Island Solta
00 385(0)21 659 093
ACI marina Split
00 385(0)21 398 548
Marina Kastela
Kastel Gomilica
00 385(0)21 204 010
ACI marina Trogir
00 385(0)21 881 544
Marina Zirona
Island Drvenik Veli
00 385(0)99 810 7801
Marina Agana
00 385(0)21 889 411
Marina Frapa
00 385(0) 22 559 900
Marina Kremik
00 385(0)22 570 068
ACI marina Skradin
00 385(0)22 771 365
Marina Mandalina
00 385(0)22 312 975
Marina Zaton
Zaton (Sibenik)
00 385(0)22 485 018
ACI marina Vodice
00 385(0)22 443 086
ACI marina Jezera
00 385(0)22 439 295
Marina Tribunj
00 385(0)22 447 140
ACI marina Piskera
Kornati islands
00 385(0)91 470 0091
ACI marina Zut
Kornati islands
00 385(0)22 786 0278
Marina Hramina
Island Murter
00 385(0)22 434 411
Marina Betina
Island Murter
00 385(0)22 434 497
Marina Sangulin
Biograd na moru
00 385(0)23 383 738
Marina Kornati
Biograd na moru
00 385(0)23 383 800
Marina Dalmacija Zadar
00 385(0)23 200 300
Tankerkomerc marina Veli Iz
island Iz
00 385(0)23 277 006
Marina Sutomiscica
Island Ugljan
00 385(0)23 335 808
Marina Preko
Island Ugljan
00 385(0)23 286 433
Tankerkomerc Marina Zadar
00 385(0)23 204 730
Marina Vitrenjak
00 385(0)23 331 076
Marina Borik
00 385(0)23 333 036
ACI marina Rab
Island Rab
00 385(0)51 724 023
ACI marina Supetarska Draga
Island Rab
00 385(0)51 776 268
ACI marina Simuni
Island Pag
00 385(0)23 697 462
ACI marina Pula
00 385(0)52 211 850
ACI marina Rovinj
00 385(0)52 813 133
ACI marina Umag
00 385(0)52 741 066
ACI marina Opatija
00 385(0)51 704 004